Sunday, 29 January 2012

A new way to "subscribe" to your favourite newspapers

Is facebook the new frontier for modern journalism? 
A sample study shows that the interactive user-friendly format found on this sites very popular among readers.
Is this something you'd "subscribe" to? 

"What Works?
So of the content that journalists are sharing, what actually works? There are several types of content that seem to produce above-average feedback from subscribers:
  • Commentary and analysis on current events and breaking news receives 3x as many likes and 2x as many shares as the average post. Also, highlighting controversial stories on debatable subject matter can double the number of likes and shares the post receives.
  • Reader shout-outs can increase in feedback by as much as 4x. Also, asking for recommendations can lead to a 3x increase in comments above an average post.
  • In-depth analyses on global issues can yield a 1.5x increase in likes and 2.5x increase in shares.
  • Powerful photos can yield an increase of a 2x inengagement (likes, comments and shares). Also, behind-the-scenes photos resulted in up to a 4x increase in engagement (likes, comments, shares).
  • Humor in posts or a humorous picture can yield a 1.5x increase in likes and almost 5x increase in shares. Humor often shows the lighter and more personal side of the journalist, which is likely why it results in higher engagement. "

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